Hodges/Bethell Genealogy

We are researching the Hodges and Bethell families and are interested in sharing information.

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Location: California

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Sinia Finds Her Father

At one point, we are not sure when, Sinia went to live with her father. Arthur was a good business man and he and Estelle were living in a fine house, complete with a tennis court, in Memphis. Descendents of the children of Arthur's marriage to Estelle report that there is a family story that a child of Arthur's former marriage showed up at the door looking for her father. This was a surprise to the children and possibly Estelle as well. They apparently were not aware of Arthur's first marriage. Our impression had been that Arthur had taken Sinia to live with him, the details of this story are lost in the past. We have a letter from Arthur to Sinia apologizing that it didn't work out and saying that he should have told them earlier, they had a right to know that they had a sister. Can you imagine coming out of an orphanage and discovering your father's second family living in the lap of luxury! Posted by Picasa


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